Welcome to Ps Christine's Corner.

I hope you enjoy this glimpse into my world.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Update on Taggart

just doing a quick update on Taggart the wonder pup. He continues to delight and annoy my parents with his antics. He steals anything he can to see if he can get someone to chase him. He did steal some conditioner from the grocery shopping which he put puncture marks in making a real mess. You can tell from his photo that he is now a golden colour.

Samantha has had a health scare. Barking at the window one morHi I amning she turned and began yelping. She had no movement in her rear legs. Very worrying, however after lots of rest and great nursing from my parents she is nearly back to normal movement.

I can't believe it is August already. I bought my first thing for Christmas yesterday. I am enjoying the Olympics especally watching Australia do so well.

Coninuing to pray for God's ourpouring on this great city of Melbourne.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

It's an exciting time to be a Christian.

God is doing a new significant work in the world. How exciting it is to see His outpouring in Florida. Praise God for what He is doing through Todd Bentley and his ministry Fresh Fire. Amazing healings and many resurrections from the dead. However the most exciting thing is how contagious this anointing of fire is. I have recieved prayer twice from people who have been to Florida and I know I am changed forever.

This is the time for Melbourne to rise up in the power of the Holy Spirit. Salvations are going to break out all over the city. Healings everywhere. All of God's people who have been bound be pain, sickness are about to be liberated. His children are to rise up in power with anointing in their hands. Warriors of God stand and proclaim His truth. Redig the wells enter into the fresh stream of His spirit. I proclaim liberty for my city, healing for my city. My we enter into the fullness of our spiritual inheritance.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Good Friday.

Hi all, This is a poem I wrote a few years ago about Good Friday. I hope it speaks to you.

Good Friday.

Looking from the cross
Jesus saw
Not the jeering crowd
Nor the immense
He saw man
God's beloved
Their Father
His love
Their future
and hope
He looked and saw
in despair
He saw
and He choose.
It is finished!
Enduring death
That life might
be ours
He loved those
yet unborn.
But forseen in
God's eternal vision
Future's glorious
That Friday
Horrible in it's deeds
Betrayed, rejected
God's own son
Opened heaven's door
for us
Good was that Friday
Easter blessings. May you know the truth of God's love for you that He sent his Son that you may recieve forgiveness from you sin and enter into your amazing destiny with God.

General Update.

Life is going really fast at the moment, who can believe Easter is so close. I have had some pain relief from my spinal injection which is good. Church has been busy and we have been having some good times in the Lord. There is a real sense that He is moving us up to another level. God needs all his Christian soldiers ready to go to battle for him.

Dog news. Samantha has had a brush with cancer but the vet thinks he got it all and she is recovering nicely. Taggart got desexed and still remains his usual playful self.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Taggart update and spinal injection.

This was the week I had to go and have a spinal injection. On the way there we noticed the car was not driving well, so we pull over to find that we have a flat tyre. We managed to change the tyre but of course we were running late for the appointment. I tried to ring but my mobile phone kept saying call failed. I am not mentioning a certain phone company but I am not impressed with their coverage. I rang them the next day and they said that part of the mobile network had been down. So I got to my appointment somewhat stressed and covered in grease.

I am not going to go into details re the injection except to say it was horrible and extremely painful. I will have to wait and see for my final verdict, the day after I was moving like a very old lady. Let me not mentioned how much it is going to cost me. Why is it so expensive to be healthy? Really you have to be wealthy to afford some of the treatments, one that was mentioned to me was $1000 a treatment. Who can afford that? I dont think your health should be limited by your bankbook.

Taggart update. He is growing all the time and continues to make life fun for my parents. My dad said he broke out of Stalag 13 an enclosure Dad had built for him in the backyard for the second time. I just wish he didnt bite so much.

Friday, February 1, 2008


taggart comes home
Originally uploaded by christinewhaley
Taggart continues to delight as he grows. He is full of personality. Running, jumping and playing. Poor Samantha is continually having to put him in his place. He loves people but still has a problem with biting. I think he thinks life is one big game, which is not a bad thing.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Getting out of the hole.

Hi all. I had a better week this week, the pain wasn't as bad. I thank God that He enabled me to preach the last two weeks. Last Sunday I preached on getting out of the hole, I was probably preaching to myself more than anyone else. It is hard to preach faith when you have had a week full of despair. Below is part of my sermon.

You know God doesn’t go away when we are in a hole, we just can’t see Him because of all the darkness surrounding us. If we are in a hole and we are just looking down or around us we are not seeing His light. We have to force our heads up to see Him. Do we feel like looking up? NO! Do we need too? Yes. I had good reason to cry and moan this week, but I couldn’t stay in that place. I needed to move away from the despair and find God in the midst of my circumstances. Because it doesn’t matter how hard it gets God is always there for us. Psalm 121:1-8 I look up to the mountains; es my strength come from mountains? [2] No, my strength comes from God, who made heaven, and earth, and mountains. 3] He won't let you stumble, your Guardian God won't fall asleep. 4] Not on your life! Israel's Guardian will never doze or sleep. 5] God's your Guardian, right at your side to protect you— 6] Shielding you from sunstroke, sheltering you from moonstroke. 7] God guards you from every evil, he guards your very life. 8] He guards you when you leave and when you return, he guards you now, he guards you always.

If you are having a tough time I hope this helps you.

Friday, January 18, 2008


Pain is a horrible thing. I have had a bad pain week. I hate the way it colours your whole life. You are so tired, normal everyday actions start to look like huge mountains to conquer. Depression comes along for a ride when you have bad pain. It's not surprising really when you are struggling to cope with everything.

It is at times like these I see God like the light down a long tunnel. He never leaves me, His presence enables me when I am weak. But I have to be looking to see Him, otherwise I can drown in my pain.

This week I was encouraged by reading other people's blogs. I saw that there are many others out there who also struggle with pain. Many are worse than me. It helps to get prespective when you are in danger of losing it. So tonight my thoughts are prayers are with you if you too fight the pain battle. Keep your head up, it may be the darkest now but sunrise is on the way. Surround yourselves with those who will lift you up, hold your arm up when you can't yourself. When you are weak it is not a bad thing to get help from others.

Monday, January 14, 2008

New furniture and welcome to Taggart.

I had some new furniture arrive today. I had no idea that it would arrive in pieces and I would be expected to put it together. Immediately I was on the phone to the parents who fortunately saved me by coming up to help me assemble it. I couldn't have done it without them. What is it with men? They like to work things out by themselves without looking at the instructions.

Anyway one of the chairs has a obvious chip in it, so I suppose I will have to complain about it. The easier option is not to, but that doesn't always get us what we need or what we deserve. It is nice to have new furniture, I haven't really bought much. My lounge suite I picked up off the street and it has been a real blessing to have.

I would like to welcome Taggart, a cairn terrier pup to our family. He is the new addition in my parents house and is keeping them on their toes. He is fearless and throws himself into anything especially water. Today he grabbed my small garden spade and was running around my backyard with it. It is nearly bigger than him. I am sure he is going to give my parents much joy.