Welcome to Ps Christine's Corner.

I hope you enjoy this glimpse into my world.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Good Friday.

Hi all, This is a poem I wrote a few years ago about Good Friday. I hope it speaks to you.

Good Friday.

Looking from the cross
Jesus saw
Not the jeering crowd
Nor the immense
He saw man
God's beloved
Their Father
His love
Their future
and hope
He looked and saw
in despair
He saw
and He choose.
It is finished!
Enduring death
That life might
be ours
He loved those
yet unborn.
But forseen in
God's eternal vision
Future's glorious
That Friday
Horrible in it's deeds
Betrayed, rejected
God's own son
Opened heaven's door
for us
Good was that Friday
Easter blessings. May you know the truth of God's love for you that He sent his Son that you may recieve forgiveness from you sin and enter into your amazing destiny with God.

General Update.

Life is going really fast at the moment, who can believe Easter is so close. I have had some pain relief from my spinal injection which is good. Church has been busy and we have been having some good times in the Lord. There is a real sense that He is moving us up to another level. God needs all his Christian soldiers ready to go to battle for him.

Dog news. Samantha has had a brush with cancer but the vet thinks he got it all and she is recovering nicely. Taggart got desexed and still remains his usual playful self.